Find Suitable Gemstone based on Birth Chart

Have you ever wondered if there's a special gemstone that connects with your birth date and can bring positive energies into your life? Astrology suggests that the positions of the stars and planets at your birth can reveal fascinating insights about your life's journey.

GemstoneAssociated Planet
Blue Sapphire ( नीलम )Saturn ( शनि )
Yellow Sapphire ( पुखराज )Jupiter ( गुरु )
Emerald ( पन्ना )Mercury ( बुध )
Ruby ( माणिक्य )Sun ( सूर्य )
PearlMoon ( चन्द्र )
OpalVenus ( शुक्र )
Red Coral ( मूंगा )Mars ( मंगल )
Cat’s Eye ( लहसुनिया )Ketu ( केतु )
Hessonite ( गोमेध )Rahu ( राहू )